Friday 29 January 2016

Research and Planning 7: Hair, Make-up and Colour


We believe that our characters will need slick smart-looking hair as a lot of similar films like 'Lock Stock and Two smoking barrels' and 'Snatch' feature gangsters with these smart-style hair cuts. This contrast with the smart style hair works well with their clothing attire which will most likely be black, smart clothing, will compliment each other as people who are associated with smart clothing are less likely to commit crime. The way these characters will be dressed will contrast this and will work with character building along side their hair styles.

Having smart hair is normally associated with wealthier people and wealth is something which most gangsters seek so it could be argued that they are trying to create a fake identity by dressing as such so it makes them seem wealthier and therefore more powerful. Through research into similar types of films this is a typical characteristic of 'gangsters', so this is why we believe this will work.
Here is a picture from Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels where all these characters are dress relatively smart with smart looking hair styles. 

Make-up and colour 

Typical gangsters are seen to have scars - perhaps due to previous gang fights or even stab wounds because of the violent behaviour they take part in. Our chase scene features one of our main characters - Bruce - getting punched in the face at the start of the sequence. We believe that using black and green make up is the best way to create a bruise for our injured character. Due to research on Google one of the top results was this:

Firs layer: applying black make-up (eyeshadow)

Second layer: applying a light amount of purple to show blood has risen to the surface. 
Using these two colours will help to create a more realistic start to our opening sequence as these two colours, black and purple, are typically seen used as special effects for a bruise. 
This picture helps to illustrate our idea about using black and purple in this sequence as part of our make-up and also colour.
The setting of the woods holds a variety of colours, which all will appear to be natural - greens and browns mostly. This will help make the more important colours in our sequence stand out in contrast to them. The colour red will be a big contrast to these natural colour that our setting provides. Our main characters Spark will have a scar on his face to symbolise how he is associated with danger and violence. Researching into 'fake scars' on google gave us many results and most of which gave videos  tutorials on how to make fake scars - a lot more simple than we thought! Only a limited amount of make-up needed which helps with our expenses too. 

We found this picture which we thought was really realistic for a homemade scar.  We are hoping to achieve a similar effect with our character Spark. 
Here is the site which gave us the tutorials on how to make fake scars and also people gave reviews on how successful they were in creating these scars. 

1 comment:

  1. The scar looks fantastic - i would ensure that you experiment here and try making this in college and film it as a post - even if you decide that it is too difficult and you can't get it right and abandon, it would still be a great post.
