Friday 15 January 2016

Research task by Erol

Blue - mise en scene 
 Yellow - sound
Purple - camera work
Green - editing

  • Tarantino's famous film Pulp Fiction is typical in the display of a thriller film as we see two characters straight away plotting about crime. Set in a Café in America there would be no expectation of what was about to happen as these two characters jump themselves up on the table with guns at their arms ready for a robbery. This is unexpected and surprising as these two characters seem to blend in with the customers of the café as we see the male character dressed in a Hawaiian shirt and the female character dressed in a purple cardigan - not typical of a thriller film - but this is perhaps why the opening of this thriller film is so great as it is totally unpredictable, which is typical of thriller films. 

  • The tone of the conversation of these two antagonists is portrayed to be completely casual which further adds to the spontaneity of their armed  robbery as the audience will not expect this due to their passive nature.
  • What makes this opening more typical is the camera work in which the audience only see these antagonists from the side of the table and not the rest of the setting - the focus is completely on these two charters and nothing else. This means we are not aware of any other possibly significant characters in the opening sequence which creates enigma for the audience. 

  • As their conversation casually carries on about previously robberies they have committed, the female antagonist suggests the idea of  robbing the coffee shop. These characters speak of how collecting people's wallets would be a 'good idea' and it is also mentioned how 'a lot of people carry wallets in coffee shops'. These characters do not directly speak of robbing the coffee shop but they suggest this which builds up even more tension for the audience. Also robbery is something which is used in thriller films to build suspense and mystery. 
  • As the male antagonist slams the gun (a prop which is typical of a thriller film) down on the table we see a match on action shot of this and simultaneously the Foley sound of the gun is exaggerated which adds to the build up of suspense.  


  • Threatening the coffee shop straight away establishes the idea of the film being a thriller/ drama and cuts to a black screen with the words 'Pulp Fiction' written in orange against a black background with a fast paced soundtrack. This cut is used so that the plot is not immediately given away and it allows the audience to be interested enough to carry on watching this film. 
  • These two antagonists share a kiss before the moment of the robbery which is not classic of a thriller film but it could be argued that this unusual and controversial behavior adds to the enigma of these characters and what their intentions are. 
Without the collection of these characteristics which portray a thriller opening the audience may not be aware of what type of genre this film is. 
These two antagonist are shown to be casually talking over a nice breakfast.

 In comparison  here is where these two antagonists are shown to be threatening the coffee shop with guns.


  • The Dark Knight is another classic thriller film as the music sets for a dark and plotting opening. Straight away it appears the antagonists are taking part in suspicious behavior (perhaps a robbery) - which has previously been mentioned is common of thriller films. 
  • The first few opening seconds of this sequence the audience see a long shot of dark a figure holding a cynical joker mask. This character is seen to be holding a clown mask but face of this possible antagonist is left a mystery to the audience. As they jump into the blacked out car, with a sense of urgency, a screeching break noise is created (most likely made by a Foley artist) which would automatically have an impact on the audience as this is not a pleasant sound.
  •  Immediately after a cut away to three masked men all dressed in black (which is also common of thriller films using dark clothing to create mystery and evil) run with their heads looking back suspiciously into a large building - perhaps a bank. As soon as these armed antagonists run into the building anther cut away to a fire gun which creates shock straight away as they threaten people screaming 'head down arms in the air' this is to make the robbery more intense and create vulnerability for the innocent civilians.
  • Something which is also commonly seen in thriller openings is antagonists not being trusted as this opening sequence displays the murder of an antagonist by one of the dark figured, masked, men which reinforces the idea of the uncertain trust antagonists may share between each other and this is typical of thriller films.

  • The plot is seen to in chronological as is seen in this opening growing with pace but it is unclear of why and who is causing this dark behaviour which builds total suspense for the audience.
This is likely to be aimed at the the age group of 17-25 as it shows suspense, danger and a build up of crime. Which is a popular theme for films amongst teenagers as it entertains, grips and leaves them with questions about these masked characters dressed in black . The prop of the mask is used which is heavily used throughout thriller films to add the sense of enigma as the audience is left guessing who is creating disruption.

This picture illustrates the use of dark clothing with the contrast of a cynical joker mask.

 KILL BILL (volume one)

Thirdly another thriller film which is well recognised for its use of mise en scene, editing, sound and camera work is another one of Tarantino's master pieces Kill Bill volume 1.
  • In the opening sequence of this film a black screen reads 'revenge is a dish best served cold' with what appears to be a female character  panting in distress - perhaps because she is in pain. The use of this quote would get the audience immediately thinking about what this woman has done to be lying in  blood - the use of which is common to thriller films - crying and panting away.
  • It is shown to be in a black and white filter (although this is shown to be a part of editing this could also have been created with using lighting through mise en scene), which is used to create a dark, evil mannerism of the antagonist, who's face is not  actually shown throughout the opening sequence - which is common of thriller films.  
  • As the woman is forced to the ground by the antagonist like a cat over a mouse the off screen diegetic sound of boots (perhaps western styled boots) is made apparent. This then becomes on screen dietetic as the mysterious booted figure makes their way over to the vulnerable character on the floor the suspense is built as the antagonist gets closer to the victim. The use of this dietetic sound - which is also most likely created through a Foley artist.
  • An extreme close up of her face fills the screen which makes it even more apparent of how distressed this character is as this shows her intense emotion.
  • The antagonist wipes her face which is not commonly seen in thriller films but it could be argued that this is portraying the antagonist as 'sadistic' which relates to the question asked by the mysteriously evil character - 'do you find me sadistic'. The irony of  the scene is made more obvious  he appears to be threatening her with the wiping of the tissue on her face at the same time proposing this rhetorical question. This contrasts the situation of the scene and perhaps this is why this works as a thriller opening as it is unexpected.
  • A clever piece of editing right towards the end of the opening scene is highlights the surprising and shocking sound of a gun shot. At the same time the protagonist appears to move violently in sync with the sound of the bullet - but it is not made certain that this character is dead as this piece of editing cuts this short. Cutting away to the opening title right after this shocking scene happens would create even further tension for the audience as it appears this character is injured which would encourage the audience to carry on watching to find out her fate.
This works as an opening Thriller because it builds suspense and has a very certain aspect of danger, creating enigma for the audience. This technique of the extreme close up being used is something which would create shock for the audience especially as the female character is shown to be hysterical.This would be highly appealing for the audience as it would have them asking questions of this protagonists' safety. Her safety is highlighted by her the vulnerability shown through her body language and it is shown through the use of the dominance of the antagonist as he towers patronisingly over her.
Here this illustrates the point about the tissue being wiped across this character's face. This also shows how her body language is shown to be negative towards this antagonist.
This character is shown to be in serious danger and the clear upset is shown through the extreme close up of her face.
  • In the opening stages of this disturbing opening thriller film two characters are established to be walking in the park. What appears to be a mother and her son having a casual conversation after what the boy has been up to after school. However long shot camera angles make it appears as if these two characters are being spied on and is seconds later revealed that there is a dark figure in the bushes who's face is shown in a close up shot.
  • The music sets a peaceful tone as these two innocent characters go about their everyday lives whilst walking through a city park. The setting in this opening sequence massively contrasts the shocking opening to this thriller film as the camera shots do not match the peaceful harmony of this playground park.
  • Also in the opening of the sequence the music is made so that it also contrasts the suspicious behaviour of the dark-lit character lurking in the bushes. But as this character spies on these two protagonists the total disruption of the harmony is destroyed as another dark figure bursts into the scene of the lives of these two characters and violently stabs (with a knife - typical of thriller films) the female character repeatedly right in front of her son.
  • However the identity of this character is left a mystery to the audience as we do not see because of the dark black clothing and the camera work which is seen to be shown rushed as if in the eye of person who is spying on them. This shows whoever was spying on these two characters initially also was not expecting this shocking murder and the cries of the boy send chills down the spine of the audience as blood illustrates the violence of this disturbing scene. 
After this highly disturbing scene there is an edit to a extreme close up of the man who appeared to be in the bushes for a couple of second and you see his face grow with anger and even change colour this would make the audience jump because of the sudden change following this disturbing scene.
This is a classic thriller opening as these two characters are portrayed to be completely innocent living their lives normally, however the camera work adds an eerie atmosphere to the scene as it appears they are being spied on. Right away the plot has been made obvious and already the audience know what is likely to happen in this film but because of the unexpected actions of the antagonist it raises questions to the audience about who they are and why their intentions were so evil and abrupt.
This dark clothed, hooded figure is shown to be entering the car after repeatedly stabbing the female character
Here these two characters walk through the park whilst being spied on by a mysterious character with unknown intentions.


1 comment:

  1. Good Erol

    level 3.

    Sorry for having previously missed all 4.

    Good analytical observations and well presented.
