Tuesday 8 December 2015


Coinciding Non Teaching Periods

Thursday: 1pm Onwards

Time that we will film

If people are available, we will begin filming at Thursday, 1pm onwards. We will also be filming during lesson time on Friday Period 1 and 2.

Location Research (Potential Locations)

Around the side of the college outside. Can be used as an establishing shot.


Side exit of the college. This can be used as a way of setting the scene (The character will run towards the camera and we'll get a close up of their face, looking around worryingly and gasping for air. It will then pan towards the college to establish the scene).

The character can be seen running up the stairs and into the college. Match On Action can be used to cut between the inside and outside of the building (Opening the door). Once inside the main lobby, the character can run towards the right hand side entrance of the canteen (using panning), turn his head to the right, and run towards The Hub.

Through the doors to The Hub, the character can see his friend being beaten. A close up of his face will show his facial expression turning to anger. Match On Action will be used to show him pulling out his firearm. After this, he will charge through the door using Match On Action to cut between one side of the doors and the other.

Once inside, the character will hold up his gun towards the man assaulting his friend and pause. At this moment, shot/reverse shot between the attacker and the character will happen, sticking to the 180 degree rule.

After a short pause for suspense, the attacker will begin to charge towards the character. At this moment, the character will shoot him. He looks towards his partner and his partner looks back at him (A short shot/reverse shot will be used here to show the relief of the men) before it fades to black.

Note: Eyeline Match will be used.

Prop Research

Because Charlie does Drama, he is able to get a hold of props and costumes for our filming. This includes things such as jackets, hats, masks and possibly weapons. Everything that we need can be taken from Charlie's Drama class (with permission).


  1. One big risk is traffic if you think about it, tripping on curbs?

  2. Generally, very thorough, and I like the risk assessments. Be wary that your posts can look a little monotonous - same colour font, same size font, try to import more images just to brighten up and stimulate each post - or maybe make posts shorter and don't include so much - you could have risk assessments as a separate post for example?
