Sunday 13 December 2015


Risk Assessment

Not all the locations mentioned above have risks. The videos below show the potential risks of some of the locations that we will use in our filming.

With this first video, it should be noted that when I talk about panning towards the college building and mentioning that a shot of the old building would be better than the new building, I meant that it would be a better establishing shot as the old building looks more dark and ominous. However, because we will be including the front entrance of the college in our film, we may decide not to do so.

As well as this, we also have to take into consideration the uneven terrain when filming. If we're using a tripod, we need to set the camera up so it's in a steady position, otherwise we might risk the tripod falling over.


With the second video, it should be noted that the door to the college might be a hazard as students/staff/visitors walk in and out of the building through the door, so if we're not careful the camera/cameraman might get damaged. We need to make sure that when filming, we set up so that we're not in the way of the door. If it's a rainy day, we'll make sure that the actor isn't moving too quickly up the stairs, otherwise he risks injury.

Note: Props such as a hammer might be dangerous to individualsIt must be used with care. As well as this, traffic must be taken into consideration. If there are cars moving up the drive whilst we are trying to film, we will have to evacuate the area until they have gone past.

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