Tuesday 8 December 2015


Below is Erol, Charlie and Harry's Storyboard which shall be used in our filming (Note that the storyboard is not the final product, but it will be similar to what is shown here).

Note: With the timings that have been provided, there are some extra seconds that can be used. With this, we were thinking about using the outside of the college to establish the setting of the sequence. After this, we can see the character running through the college entrance door, using Match On Action to show the change between the inside and the outside of the building.

Potential Final Product Using Storyboard

First square

For the first square, we will be having either a low angle to look up towards the characters torso, or a high angle to focus on his feet whilst he is running through the building. It shall last about 5 seconds, and a track will be used to follow the movement of the character for the duration. It shall be a medium shot.

Dialogue: None

Sound: The panting of the character. Heard, but not seen. (Off screen diegetic).

Second Square

Between the first and second square, we shall use a simple cut to transition. Once the transition has complete, we will most likely use a long shot so that the audience can see the captive, the attacker/s and their surroundings. With this, the audience will be able to understand what is going on. The attacker/s will land a few punches. Once the last punch as connected with the captive, it will transition to the next shot with a cut. It shall be shot at eye level as the audience is only supposed to see what is going on. This will last about 5-10 seconds.

Dialogue: Attacker 1 - Not so tough now that you're tied up, huh?! (As he is saying tied up, he will launch a punch at the captive's chest and face)

                 Attacker 2 - *Laughing*

Sound: The attacker/s laughing and beating the captive (On-screen diegetic). Low beat drums begin to roll in, quiet at first before building up (Non-diegetic music).

Third Square

Between the second and third square, we shall use either a cut or a wipe to transition. This will simply be a long shot of the character running down the corridor. From this, the audience will be able to tell what type of person he is (His costume, the way he runs etc.). This shot will most likely be eye level. This will last about 3-5 seconds.

Dialogue: Character - *Murmuring* I'm almost there... Hold on.

Sound: Loud drum beats, perhaps matching with the pumping of the character's heart (Non-diegetic music).

Fourth Square

Between the third and fourth square, we shall use either a cut or a wipe to transition. This will be a close up of the captive. From this, the audience will be able to see their facial expression and emotion (In distress, covered in blood, blindfolded (maybe), gasping). Blood will be created using either paint or ketchup. This shot will either be eye level or from a high angle. By using a high angle, it looks as if we're seeing the captive from the attacker's perspective which shows how weak and puny the captive looks. This will last about 3-4 seconds.

Dialogue: Character - *Panting* Please... stop.

Sound: Low beat drums (Non-diegetic music). The character will be experiencing hearing problems from being beaten (Non-diegetic, high pitched beep).

Fifth Square

Between the fourth and fifth square, we shall use a cut. This will be a POV shot of the character running towards the door that leads to the room his partner is being held in. In the distance, the light inside the room can be seen. Once at the door, he will pause. This will last about 3-5 seconds.

Dialogue: Character - *Loud panting* (It's a POV so we should be able to hear the panting clearly).

Sound: Low beat drums accompanied by a loud heart beat (Non-diegetic music and sound).

Sixth Square

Between the fifth and sixth square, we shall use a cut. This will be a close up of the character at and eye level angle. The character will be shocked and will be panting. Whilst panting, his face will transition between shocked and angry. This will last about 4-5 seconds.

Dialogue: Character - *Once the character reaches the door and the close up occurs, he will gasp* My god. (As his face turns from shocked to angry, he will breath in heavily).

Sound: Ominous, low wind sound (Non-diegetic sound, almost inaudible). 

Seventh Square

Between the sixth and seventh square, we shall use a cut. This will be a medium/medium long shot at eye level of the character reaching for his gun and pulling it out. This will last about 1-2 seconds.


Sound: Drum beats begin to roll in, getting louder and louder.

Eighth Square 

Between the seventh and eighth square, we shall use a cut. This will be a close up of the character's gun, his hand shaking. This will last about 1-2 seconds.


Sound: Drum beats are getting louder and louder.

Ninth Square

Between the eighth and ninth square, we shall use a cut. This will be a medium/medium long shot at either eye level or a high angle. This shot will be the character reaching for the door that leads to the room his partner is being held in. This will last about 2 seconds.


Sound: As he reaches for the door, the drum beats climax.

Tenth Square

Between the ninth and tenth square, we shall use Match On Action to show the movement of the character as he goes through the door. In the ninth square, he will be reaching for the door handle. In the tenth square, it will switch to the inside of the room where we can see the character open the door and hold his gun up with either one hand or both hands. This will most likely be a medium shot at a low angle to show the power and intimidation of the character (His anger will be clearly visible).


Sound: Drum beats stop. The door opens (Diegetic foley). A loud wind/hum like sound will be present when the lower angle of the character is being shown (Non diegetic sound).

Eleventh Square

Between the tenth and eleventh square, we shall use Shot/Reverse Shot and the 180 Degree Rule. This will be an eye level over the shoulder shot between the character and the attacker/s. Once the character has raised his gun, it will cut to an over the shoulder shot of the character looking towards the attacker/(The position of the camera will be so that the character is always on the left of the screen, whilst the attacker/s will always be positioned to the right of the screen so that the 180 degree rule isn't broken). 

From this, the audience will be able to see the shock and horror in the face/s of the attacker/s. This shot/reverse shot will happen about 3-4 times so that the audience can see the different facial expression and body language of both the character and the attacker/s (The character will be angry, the attacker/s will be shocked). On the last shot/reverse shot, the attacker/s will look at each other before charging towards the character. A quick cut to the character's eyes will happen. When this happens, his eyes will quickly narrow before cutting back to the shot/reverse shot of the attacker/s charging. At this moment, the attacker/s will be shot. This will last about 10-12 seconds.

Dialogue: Attacker 2- What the hell?! How did you find us?! (This will be done on the first over the shoulder shot of the character).

Sound: As the attacker/s charge towards the character, a wind like sound will be heard that will raise in volume as they get closer. As soon as it cuts to the eyes of the character and they narrow, the sound stops (Non diegetic foley. The sound will be made by someone sucking in air and closing their mouth). When the character fires his gun, the sound of the gun firing will be heard (Diegetic sound added in post-production).

Twelfth Square

Between the eleventh and twelfth square, we shall use a cut and Shot/Reverse Shot. First a cut will occur. Then there will be a medium shot at eye level of the character lowering his gun. After this, shot/reverse shot will be used to get one close up of the character's partner looking distressed at the character. It will then switch to the character staring at him, his anger still present. It will then switch back to the character's partner where he will smile and begin to chuckle. It will then switch back to the character who will also start to smile and chuckle. After this, a cut will happen and there will be a long shot showing the two laughing whilst the body/bodies of the attacker/s are on the floor. It will then fade to black and the film will end.

Dialogue: *Character and partner laughing*.

Sound: None. 

1 comment:

  1. Really good practice. Great SB with great detail (helped by fact that you can draw). Great descriptive detail that accompanies it. Very detailed.

    Timing may be an issue as you have only accounted for around 40 seconds on the SB.

    Level 4 post - well done.
