Friday 4 December 2015



What is The 180 Degree Rule and why do we use it?

The 180° rule is a cinematography guideline that states that two characters in a scene should maintain the same left/right relationship to one another. The main reason we use The 180 Degree rule is so that the audience doesn't feel confused. If the positions of cameras switch between one side of the 180 degree line and the other, it makes it appear as though the characters have switched positions, making it very disorientating.

Using The 180 Degree rule also adds to quality of of moving image sequences. If the positions of cameras are consistent throughout, it makes for a better sequence as it looks more professional. Another use of The 180 Degree rule that adds to the quality is that the cameras can be positioned within 180 degrees. This is incredibly useful as it enables directors to position cameras directly behind actors (over the shoulder shot), which adds a sense of realism as it shows us the actors' points of view, allowing us to see what they see. This enables us to understand the people they talk to as we can visibly see their facial expressions and body language.

Examples of The 180 Degree Rule

Video Commentary of The 180 Degree Rule  

1 comment:

  1. Good - L3 post.
    Needs a little more of your own explanation for L4.
